Access to the Restaurant Hotel la Rivière in South of France
How to come ?
By car
Major roads to reach this northern Aveyron region are :
From the West :
A20 (exit 56) to Figeac, and N140 (Brive-Mediterranean axis) by Decazeville or A71 to Clermont-Ferrand, then A75.
From the North and Paris :
A10 and A71 Orleans to Clermont-Ferrand and A75 exit 28 Saint-Flour and D921 Chaudes-Aigues direction Espalion, careful to take the D34 to Alpuech, 1 km after Lacalm Entraygues up. The hotel is the first white building located right at the village entrance, on the Bridge’s Truyère.
From the Lyon Region and East :
A47ou N88 by Saint Etienne, Le Puy and Mende or N9/A75.
From the Southwest :
A20 to Montauban Caussade and D926 by Caylus or A68/N88 Carmaux by Albi, Albi D999, St Affrique in Millau.
From the South East, Marseille, Montpellier :
N109 or A9 then A75 exit 42 after the viaduct of Millau N88 and D920 to Espalion.
From these lines, Entraygues sur Truyère is accessible mainly by :
the D 920 between Aurillac Espalion
the D 904 between Rodez Wall Barrez
The journey by car Rodez-Entraygues takes 50 minutes.
Latitude: 44.649192650881121
Longitude: 2.5677108764648437
By plane
The two nearest airports are Rodez and Aurillac with daily connections or certain days of the week depending on time of year :
- With Paris, Lyon and London from Rodez
- With Paris from Aurillac
From Rodez airport (journey time 60 minutes) turn right onto the N140. At roundabout Saint-Félix, take the 3rd exit onto N88 / Bypass Rodez. At roundabout Saint-Marc, take the 4th exit onto D988 / Highway Espalion. Bozouls cross. Take D920 / Highway Espalion. Cross Espalion then Estaing cross Entraygues on D920. The hotel is the white building that is left at the end of the village, on the deck of Truyère.
Many direct flights are also available from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Italy ... to the airports of Bergerac, Toulouse, Montpellier and Carcassonne .
By train
Entraygues sur Truyère is not directly accessible by rail. Bus connections are provided with the 2 closest stations:
- Station of Rodez from which links are available daily to Paris, Toulouse, Millau.
- Station of Aurillac: links to Clermont-Ferrand, Saint-Flour, Toulouse and Brive.